
​(Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I don't remember when my last confession was. But I've kissed a lot of women since then. I love kissing women. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it. I kiss three different girls every day before breakfast. Sometimes four or five, if it's a weekend. Of course, I've done other things, too. I'm engaging in immodest acts with other women. I'm a pervert, Father. Even if God forgives me now, nothing I do will wash away what I am.)

DOG/BEAR/TRIANGLE/SQUARE is a series of vignettes centered around four women and their shared fantasy of tender lesbian high school romance. This is their wish fulfillment, their catharsis, their lucid dream. (74 pages, black and white.) Will be mailed to you in a stamped envelope.

digital version: https://girldottiff.itch.io/dogbeartrianglesquare

Intended for audiences.